Hi dear reader. My name is Ihor this is my personal blog, so welcome aboard! In a few words – I’m a software engineer, big fan of reading, running, and traveling (especially mountains). If you would like to know more – just ping me on social media 🙂

This is the very first post on my blog. I would consider myself an active reader of different technical and nontechnical blogs and for the last few years I was thinking to start my own, but every time I “almost” started, something stopped me. During few first attempts, I thought that just a dummy idea and probably I would forget about that in a day or something. Later I tried to convince myself, that this is impossible to write a blog regularly.
So finally, after a few years of “considerations”, I’ve read a post by Andriy Buday What made me get into blogging? (btw which I strongly recommend) and decided that it’s a good incentive to stop find a reason why I won’t do it, but a way to actually start doing that.
At least, for now, it’s hard to predict what “accent” this blog will have: technical, travel, personal thoughts, and feelings or a mix up of everything. Whatever content it will be, I truly believe that some of you will find it useful and interesting, but as soon as it for sure will not be a profitable portal, the main idea – will be to express my own conclusions and thoughts on different topics, not “to feed” subscribers as a YouTube blogger. This also means that probably there will be no strict schedule of the posts – as soon as I will something to share – it will be posted here.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Thank you for reading and keep tuned for the future updates!